SUNDAY: Sunday is associated with yellow, the Sun, solar deities, and magic that concerns authority, divine power, friendships, healing, learning, reason, and world healers.
MONDAY: Monday is associated with white, the Moon, lunar deities, and magic that concerns cooking, dreams, family, the home, intuition, medicine, spiritual growth, and the ocean.
TUESDAY: Tuesday is associated with red, the planet Mars, the god Tiw, and magic that concerns athletics, competitions, conflicts, courage, hunting, legality, logic, physical strength, politics, vitality, and war.
WEDNESDAY: Wednesday is associated with purple, the planet Mercury, the god Woden, and magic that concerns communication, divination, education, mystical insight, resourcefulness, and self-improvement.
THURSDAY: Thursday is associated with blue, the planet Jupiter, the god Thor, and magic that concerns dedication, endurance, taithfulness, legal matters, loyalty, luck, and money matters.
FRIDAY: Friday is associated with green, the planet Venus, the goddess Frigg, and magic that concerns art, fertility, love, music, and pleasure.
SATURDAY: Saturday is associated with black, the planet and god Saturn, and magic that concerns banishing, change, death, motivation, reincarnation, understanding, and wills
About Power Animals
Power animals are great advice givers, often representing our higher selves
that we haven't been paying attention to lately. In a meditative state you
5 years ago
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