Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Finnish Healing Spell

Cure an Illness Spell
Color of the day: Scarlet
Incense of the day: Maple

The epic poem, Kalevala, is celebrated by the Finns this day with parades and readings from the poem. The Kalevala recounts a battle of wits between three wizard brothers and the witch goddess, Louhi. It is a treasure trove of ancient shamanistic practices including the following healing spell. For this ritual, stand in the east and call in the element of air. Ask in all humility for assistance. Light a blue candle and a stick of sandalwood incense as an offering to the element. Now say:

Vanish into the sky!
Pain, fly up into the air.
Burning vapor,
Rise up into the air!
So that the wind may take thee away.
So that the storm may chase thee to far places.
Where neither Sun nor Moon gives light.
Where no hot wind burns the flesh.

Thank the element of air, and let the candle burn down. As with all magic, in addition to this spell, it is essential that you have done everything possible in the physical realm to aid the healing

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here are some prayers for Yule from "A Book of Pagan Prayer" by Ceisiwr Serith

Around me burn the lights of Yule;
I am filled with their light,
renewed by their light.
I pray to you new Sun,
Reborn, O Lord, from the dark.

* How is it that you give birth to everything, Lady,
never once growing infertile?
Even in the cold time, when everything seems dead,
each moment is born after its predecessor
and time goes on: you give birth even in the poverty of winter

* This is the long night.
This is the dark night.
This is the cold night.
This is the night of last hope.
This is the night of the little spark.
This is the night of turning from darkness.
This is the night of turning toward light.
This is the night of wonder.
The long night is here:
come to us, you spirits;
together let us fill the night with light,
calling all beings to warm themselves at our fires.

* Happy birthday, Sun!
The whole world is spread beneath you,
wrapped in darkness,
as a present for you to open.