Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Madness of Angels

So I read this book by Kate Griffen called 'A Madness of Angels'. It was a very good read and I would recommend it highly but I am writing this to talk about a few things from the book that I found very interesting. One: when the main character, Matthew Swift, leaves an offering for whoevers help he is trying to invoke he leaves things the 'spirit(s)' need. For example when he asks for the help of spirits on a subway he leaves a crossword puzzle book, a romance novel, a pen and gum. So it got me to thinking about how there are traditional gifts for the god/goddesses and how sometimes they don't feel right to me they feel like a gift card at christmas, you cared enough to get something but not enough to put some
thought into it. I can not say I came up with a list of offerings to use but it made me more aware of what I leave.
Two: Another thing that the sorcerer does when creating a circle is to call upon the energy/spirit of the place he is creating the circle at. This leads to number Three: he uses the energy of everything around him brick walls, lights, garbage, rats. This is not a new idea but I don't think I had really, really given it the time it deserved that everything has energy so everything has energy that you can call upon and use in your magickal workings.
So this post may not change your life, but I hope it gets you thinking like it did me. And if nothing else it was quite a good book. I am reading the second one now, 'The Midnight Mayor' will let you know how it was. Blessings


albina N muro said...

So I read this book by Kate Griffen called 'A Madness of Angels'. It was a very good read and I would recommend it highly but I am writing this to talk about a few things from the book that I found very interesting. angel workshops