Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wand History

General History
Like the Magik Staff, magik wands have been around for a very long time. Some of the first depictions of a wand come from Egypt, in the hands of Pharaoh. Not only did he carry a scepter for his kingdom, but also a wand. He was a 'God' after all. And magik was supposed to be part of his royal talents.

The Greek God Hermes (Mercury) is represented by a wand entwined with a snake and winged top. In legend, this wand is a sleep-producing wand. The famous musician Arion, had a wand of Ivory. Linguistic research shows the the symbol "cel" of the word Celts and "ger" of the German, both mean "wand". And both cultures used the wand as the symbol of the axis of the spring and summer solstices.

In Celtic legend, the three wise women who guide the steps of mankind (the Triple Goddess) are often seen or depicted with wands. Using these tools to direct their energy or control their desires during various events. One legend tells of the wise women facing cave dwelling giants, using their wands to dislodge boulders and rocks from the mountain to rain down upon the giants.

In Norse legend, Thor sets out to visit Geirrod without his weapons. The Hag Grid, warns Thor of the dangers he faces. She gives him her belt and magic wand to do battle upon his long journey. In this story Thor flings a boulder and breaks the back of a giantess with the wand.

In Aurthurian legend, Merlin casts his magik with the use of a silver wand; presumably constructed from the hardened blood of a unicorn that he helped to save from a dragon's attack.

But the wand isn't just seen in pagan paths. In catacomb frescoes of the third and fourth centuries, Christ is frequently represented performing miracles by means of a wand.

Scholars believe the wand found it's roots in the drumstick of a shaman. Especially from Siberia and Central Asia when drumming was used to raise energy before and during ceremonial rituals. Then pointing the wand at the recipient of that energy; such as a patient who required healing. From these humble beginnings, the wand has become a staple in magik practices through the centuries and into modern magik.